SNL50 : la revue de presse

Le SNL fête ses 50 ans, et a droit à une tonne d'articles très intéressants.

Le logo du Saturday Night Live pour les 50 ans du show

Si vous me suivez sur Bluesky, et/ou si vous aimez la comédie US, vous savez que le Saturday Night Live fête ses 50 ans cette année.

Le show a débuté sur NBC le 11 octobre 1975, mais l'émission spéciale, célébrant les 50 ans, sera diffusée quelques mois plus tôt, ce dimanche 16 février. À cette occasion, la presse américaine multiplie les articles, les portraits, les interviews et les classements. Ce qui, pour les fans et les curieux, est l'occasion parfaite de se plonger une fois de plus dans les coulisses de cette émission mythique.

J'ai regroupé une grosse partie de tout ce que j'ai trouvé ci-dessous. Je mettrai l'article à jour au fur et à mesure. N'hésitez pas à me faire signe sur Bluesky si j'ai loupé un gros truc.

Dernier point, avant de passer à la liste : il y a plusieurs vidéos disponibles sur YouTube qui valent le détour. Un tour du studio 8H chez Architectural Digest. Un tuto photo par Mary Ellen Matthews, la photographe de l'émission. Des interviews de différents auteurs du SNL toute cette semaine chez Seth Meyers. Et des interviews d'anciens cast members dans l'émission matinale de NBC.

Bonne lecture !

The Mythology Of ‘SNL’: A Look Back At The Inaugural Episode That Upended TV
‘SNL’ is no stranger to mythologizing, and no episode has been as elevated to the stuff of legend as the late-night sketch series’ inaugural showing.

Retour sur le tout premier épisode du SNL

Do It for Gilda
The too-short life of a comedy genius is a reminder to the rest of us to make good use of the time we are given.

Un joli article sur Gilda Radner

How ‘SNL’ Music Bookers Bring the Biggest Names in the Biz to NYC’s Most Exclusive Stage
How ‘SNL’ talent bookers bring the biggest names in music to ‘Saturday Night Live.’

Comment sont bookés les artistes ?

40 Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ Characters of All Time
Stephon, Roseanne Roseannadanna, Opera Man, and more of the best characters from 50 years of SNL

Les 40 meilleurs personnages

The 13 Greatest ‘S.N.L.’ Commercial Parodies
To us, anyway. Over 50 seasons, “Saturday Night Live” has introduced crystal gravy, robot insurance and countless other demented goods and services. Share your favorites in the comments.

Les meilleures parodies de publicités

Ladies and Gentlemen, 38 Key Musical Moments on ‘S.N.L.’
As the show celebrates its 50th season, look back at some of its most fiery, shocking and groundbreaking performances.

38 moments musicaux importants

50 Things We Say Now, Thanks to ‘S.N.L.’
Since “Saturday Night Live” began, the show has introduced catchphrases that wind up in our own conversations. Isn’t that special?

50 répliques devenues cultes

Losing It on Live TV
Lorne Michaels reportedly dislikes when “Saturday Night Live” cast members break character. But over 50 seasons, it’s become one of the show’s signature moves — one that usually delights the audience.

Encore un article sur les gens qui rigolent pendant les sketchs

When ‘Saturday Night Live’ Debuted, They Were There. Here’s What They Remember.
With a new film about the show, and a 50th anniversary season starting, Chevy Chase, Garrett Morris, Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman and others look back.

Retour sur les premiers cast members du SNL

‘S.N.L.’ Weekend Update: An Oral History of 50 Seasons
The news parody has launched comedy careers and courted controversy. Here, Lorne Michaels, Chevy Chase, Tina Fey, Michael Che and others recount its influential history.

Une oral history du Weekend Update

How do you create 200 costumes a week? ‘SNL’ designer Tom Broecker takes us behind the scenes
Tom Broecker has played an integral part in the visual language of ‘SNL,’ leading the costume design team that has helped shape some of the show’s funniest moments.

Comment les équipes créent autant de costumes chaque semaine ?

Lorne Michaels Reflects on His ‘S.N.L.’ Legacy Ahead of the 50th Anniversary
The man who made “Saturday Night Live” reflects on its legacy.

Quelle est la suite pour Lorne Michaels ?

12 times ‘Saturday Night Live’ made a cultural bang over the past 50 years
“Saturday Night Live” was intended for countercultural comedy. Fifty years later, it is firmly part of the culture.

12 fois où le SNL a impacté la culture pop

Ranking the 25 best SNL Digital Shorts, including I’m on a Boat and Lazy Sunday
This ain’t Sea World; this is real as it gets.

Les 25 meilleurs Digital Shorts des Lonely Island

The Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketches, According to the People Who Made Them
Ahead of ‘SNL50,’ we asked Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers, Bill Hader, and more to tell us which of their sketches they hold closest to their hearts

Les meilleurs sketchs du SNL par ceux qui les ont fait

The Women of ‘SNL’ on the 50th Anniversary Special, Castmates, and Comedy
NBC’s Saturday Night Live marks an incredible five decades on the air this year. ELLE enlisted Mikey Day to get a behind-the-scenes look at the women who make our weekends.

Les filles du SNL interviewées par Mikey Day

The 50 Best ‘SNL’ Commercial Parodies of All Time
Ranking SNL’s best fake ads from the Bass-o-Matic to Totino’s Pizza Rolls, Jake From State Farm, Jon Hamm’s John Ham, Straight Male Friend, and more.

Les meilleurs fausses pubs

Why SNL Still Matters to NBC
Network TV may be fighting for its life, but not on Saturday night.

Pourquoi le SNL est toujours important pour NBC ?

What’s the best gay ‘SNL’ sketch ever? Bowen Yang, Terry Sweeney & more LGBTQ+ stars weigh in - Queerty
Bowen Yang, Terry Sweeney, Sasheer Zamata & more queer ‘SNL’ stars past & present share their favorite gay sketches from the show’s 50 year history.

Quel est le meilleur sketch queer du SNL ?

Aidy Bryant Knows Your ‘SNL’ Fave’s Secret Weapon: ‘I Think That’s Something Most People Don’t Realize’
“SNL” star Aidy Bryant talks about SNL 50 and her favorite sketches on the program as well as hosting Independent Spirit Awards 2025. INTERVIEW.

Une interview d'Aidy Bryant

What the Biggest ‘Saturday Night Live’ Fans Know
The 50-year-old sketch-comedy show isn’t just about the jokes.

Une courte analyse des quatre épisodes de la série documentaire "Beyond Saturday Night"

SNL Has Always Been Bad
And that’s precisely what makes watching the 50-year-long live TV experiment so good.

SNL a toujours été nul ?

‘Saturday Night Live’ Had a Rocky History with Queerness. Now It’s Gayer Than Ever
A brief history of gay and queer culture on Saturday Night Live.

SNL et la culture queer

The Best ‘SNL’ Sketches of the Last 10 Years
Looking back on a decade of SNL for its 50th anniversary, featuring Aidy Bryant, Pete Davidson, Kate McKinnon, Kyle Mooney, and Cecily Strong.

Les meilleurs sketchs de ces 10 dernières années

The World’s Hardest ‘Saturday Night Live’ Quiz
Celebrate SNL’s 50th anniversary with this quiz

Un quiz signé Rolling Stone

How ‘Saturday Night Live’ Went From Mocking Politics to Shaping It in the Span of 50 Years
For 50 years, ‘Saturday Night Live’ has maintained a history of political satire that is unmatched across the television landscape.

Comment le SNL a influencé la politique américaine

The Worst Time I Bombed on ‘Saturday Night Live’
Eleven of the show’s stars recall the exquisitely painful moments when they completely ate it in front of a live audience. As Will Forte recalls, “It was like somebody had created an anti-laugh machine.”

Les pires "bomb" selon les personnes concernées

Show and Tell With the ‘SNL’ Artist-in-Residence
For 25 years, Mary Ellen Matthews has photographed every host and musical guest for the show, broke building codes with Sarah Silverman and foisted hair spray on Donald Trump. She just wrote a book about it.

Une interviews de la photographe Mary Ellen Matthews

Live From New York, It’s ‘SNL’’s 50th Anniversary Open
Director Mike Diva gives the series’ New York-themed intro a new spin.

Mike Diva revient sur la genèse du générique de cette 50e saison

Why the SNL Cast Loves New York
Stars reminisce about their first apartments, best nights on the town, and go-to bodega orders.

De nombreux cast members expliquent pourquoi ils aiment New York

Sarah Silverman Talks About Her First (and Only) Season on ‘Saturday Night Live’
“They throw you in a lake,” says Silverman, who was a 22-year-old stand-up comic when she joined the cast as a writer and featured player, “and you just have to learn to swim.”

Sarah Silverman revient sur son passage éclair au SNL

Lorne Michaels Is the Real Star of “Saturday Night Live”
He’s ruled with absolute power for five decades, forever adding to his list of oracular pronouncements—about producing TV, making comedy, and living the good life.

Un extrait du livre "Lorne: The Man Who Invented Saturday Night Live", de Susan Morrison

Fridays With Lorne: How Susan Morrison Wrote Her New Lorne Michaels Bio
How did first-time author Susan Morrison secure Lorne Michaels’ cooperation in her new biography of the SNL creator? She asked him. Bill Carter spoke with Morrison ahead of her book’s release next week…

Comment Susan Morrison a écrit la bio de Lorne

James Austin Johnson, Saturday Night Live’s Impressions Master, on His Love of ‘The Californians,’ Impersonating Adam Driver in Front of Adam Driver, and Celebrating His SNL Casting With ‘a Dry-Ass Cookie Cake’
“I never saw him laugh, but he told me he thought it was funny,” Johnson says of Driver. “I’m going to take him at his word.”

Un portrait de James Austin Johnson (l'actuel Donald Trump du show)

Inside NBC’s New Immersive Pop-Up, ‘The SNL50 Experience’ - LateNighter
NBC’s hype machine today introduced its latest SNL50 tie-in: a free, immersive “SNL Experience” in Rockefeller Center that’s designed to give fans a taste of what it’s like to host the legendary sketch show. LateNighter asked journalist Laura Bradley to take it for a test spin and she filed this report.

Une visite de "l'expérience SNL50" à 30 Rock

’50 Years of SNL Music’: A Conversation with SNL Doc Co-Director Oz Rodriguez
Oz Rodriguez, co-director (with Questlove) of ‘Ladies & Gentlemen... 50 Years of SNL Music’ takes us inside the two-year production of the duo’s decades-spanning doc.

Une interview de Oz Rodriguez, un des réal du SNL et ce-réalisateur du documentaire "50 Years of SNL Music"

An Antique Clock Is The 50-Season SNL Easter Egg Few Ever Noticed - LateNighter
Like a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation, the same antique clock has appeared on the SNL stage since 1975. We set out to learn more about it.

Un petit Easter egg, pour les plus fous

Why ‘Saturday Night Live’ Endures: An Appreciation
“SNL” continues because of Lorne Michaels — and more. On the eve of 50th anniversary of the NBC sketch show we look forward and back.

Pourquoi le SNL est toujours là, 50 ans plus tard ?

50 ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Members Talk About the Greatest, Weirdest Sketches You Never Got to See
‘Saturday Night Live’ performers past and present recall ideas too out-there to make it past table read, seemingly hilarious concepts that bombed at dress rehearsal, and would-be classics cut for time.

Les meilleurs sketchs qui n'ont jamais vu le jour

What It Was Like the Year After I Left SNL
38 alums describe a spectrum ranging from “devastating” to “awesome” to “unmitigated chaos.”

38 anciens cast members expliquent leur après-SNL

The 10 Most-Watched ‘SNL’ Sketches of All Time
Wondering what the most-watched “Saturday Night Live” sketches of all time are? Here’s your list to YouTube’s favorites.

Les 10 sketchs les plus vus de tous les temps

50 ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Members Recall Their Most Unbelievable, Thrilling, and Embarrassing Guest-Host Encounters
Tales of celebrity eye contact, disrespect, approachability, and mistaken identity, featuring Kurt Cobain, Sarah Palin, Beyoncé, Mick Jagger, Kendrick Lamar and more.

Les rencontres cast members / host les plus improbables, drôles ou gênantes

Mr. Hands Tells All: Inside Mr. Bill’s Meteoric Rise On SNL - LateNighter
Mr Bill was one of SNL’s earliest and most venerable stars, but his creator Walter Williams wasn’t paid a dime for his first five appearances on the show. As Willams tells Bill Carter, that ended up being the greatest gift of all.

Un article sur Mr. Bill, un personnage récurrent du SNL

Saturday Night Live’s Darrell Hammond Talks About Death Threats, Les Misérables, the Impressions He Can’t Get out of His Head, and How Lorne Michaels Is Like Nick Saban
“You walk down the hall, there’s a llama,” Hammond says, regarding the surreality of day-to-day life at SNL. “There’s Nicole Kidman. Hey, that’s Tom Cruise. Is that Cam Newton? Hey, LeBron just walked by.”

Un portrait de Darrell Hammond, ancien cast member et actuel annonceur de l'émission

SNL Icon Rosie Shuster Reflects On the Show’s Origins - LateNighter
In October of 1975, Rosie Shuster helped deliver her then-husband Lorne Michaels’ baby, Saturday Night Live. Bill Brioux caught up with the original SNL writer ahead of this weekend’s anniversary celebration for an exclusive new interview.

Une interview de Rosie Shuster

60 Stars, 50 Seasons, 5 Panels
How New York’s mega-size Saturday Night Live cover came together.

Les coulisses du photoshoot géant par David LaChapelle pour New York Mag

Andy Samberg’s ‘SNL’ Return Was the Perfect Lonely Island Homecoming
Andy Samberg’s interview about new Lonely Island music back for SNL 50. INTERVIEW

Une interview d'Andy Samberg, qui est revenu en début de saison jouer Doug Emhoff, le mari de Kamala Harris

50 ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Members Reveal Their Favorite ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Members
To mark the anniversary of a cultural institution, GQ conducted a series of interviews with ‘SNL’ legends and newcomers alike. Here’s how they responded to a question no one wanted to answer.

Alors, c'est qui le plus drôle ?

After Lorne
The ringmaster of Saturday Night Live is 80 years old. What happens to the show, not to mention American comedy, when he retires?

Que restera-t-il du SNL après le départ de Lorne Michaels ?

Saturday Night Live is bad, actually
The 50-year-old comedy sketch show lauded for underdog humor has a history of conservatism and a soft spot for powerful people – just ask former host Donald Trump

Pourquoi le SNL c'est nul, en fait (chacun son avis hein)

Original ‘Saturday Night Live’ Star Garrett Morris Talks About Marching in the ’60s, Racism at ‘SNL’, Richard Pryor, and Why Sun Ra is Better Than Mozart
Morris, now 87, struggled with stereotypical writing, personal demons, and the pressures that came with being the show’s first Black cast member. “I got a letter from the NAACP,” he recalls, “telling me to straighten up and fly right.”

Un portrait de Garrett Morris, premier cast member afro-américain de l'émission

SNL’s First Lady
1985 was a dangerous time for the show’s first openly gay cast member. Terry Sweeney was up for the challenge.

Un excellent portrait de Terry Sweeney, premier cast member ouvertement gay de l'histoire du show

Saturday Night Live’s Ana Gasteyer on How She Cooked Up Her Legendary Martha Stewart Impression on the Fly, Writing With Will Ferrell, and Why ‘SNL’ Survives
“By the nature of it being live, it’s immediate and it’s probably riskier,” Gasteyer says of ‘SNL’. “There’s not a lot of time spent hand-wringing and wondering if someone’s going to be offended.”

Un portrait d'Ana Gasteyer

‘Saturday Night Live’ Has a Rough Track Record of Turning Sketches Into Movies. That Doesn’t Mean It Should Stop Trying
‘Saturday Night Live’ has a rough track record of turning sketches into movies. That doesn’t mean it should stop trying.

Une histoire des films SNL, inspirés de sketchs populaires de l'émission

Does ‘Saturday Night Live’ Still Matter to Young Comedians?
If you wanted to succeed in comedy, performing at Studio 8H was a rite of passage. As the iconic variety show turns fifty, is that still the case?

Est-ce que les jeunes humoristes rêvent encore du SNL ?

My Most Embarrassing SNL Memory
An insult from Colin Farrell, accidental full-frontal nudity, and 23 other memories of 8H cringe.

Une compilation de moments gênants, racontés par les principaux intéressés

How “Saturday Night Live” Reinvented Television, Fifty Years Ago
The New Yorker editor Susan Morrison on Lorne Michaels, the producer who still runs “S.N.L.” with an iron hand. Plus, Tina Fey reads The New Yorker’s review of the show from Season 1.

(Podcast) Comment le SNL a réinventé la télé il y a 50 ans

‘Saturday Night Live’‘s Dana Carvey Talks About the ‘Explosive’ Genius of Chris Farley, Living in Lorne Michaels’s Guest Room, and His Terrifying Early Years at ‘SNL’
“The show was in a bad place,” Carvey recalls. “I was told if we don’t hit the ground running, they’ll pull the plug at Christmas.”

Un portrait de Dana Carey

‘Saturday Night Live’ Production Designers’ Biggest Weekly Challenge? The Clock
Production Designers Akira ‘Leo’ Yoshimura, Keith Raywood, and N. Joseph DeTullio tell IndieWire about what it takes to make ‘SNL’ sketches work live.

Comment sont construits les décors des différents sketchs ?

29 Cast Members and Writers’ ‘Welcome to SNL’ Moment
“When I realized they were seriously trying me out as Biden on my first episode.”

Des cast members et auteurs racontent leurs premiers pas dans l'émission

50 ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Members on Their All-Time Favorite Sketches
From hot-tubbing with John Malkovich to David Pumpkins, Belushi to Beavis & Butthead, ‘Saturday Night Live’ stars past and present recall their finest, funniest, most absurd moments on the ‘SNL’ stage.

Les sketch favoris de 50 cast members

The 50 Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ Sketches of the 21st Century
From The Lonely Island’s Digital Shorts to Lisa from Temecula, IndieWire picks the 50 best ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketches of the 21st Century.

Un classement des 50 meilleurs sketchs de ces 25 dernières années

The 10 Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ Hosts of All Time
A host can make or break an episode, rocket a sketch to virality, or keep everyone talking about ‘SNL’ deep into the week after it airs. But these stars did it best.

Les 10 meilleurs host selon Esquire

‘SNL’ Stars Love to Break. Is That Funny?
Yes, it’s funny when ‘SNL’ actors break during a sketch — but that should not be what you root for.

Est-ce que c'est si drôle que ça, quand les comédiens ont un fou rire dans un sketch ?

Questlove and Maya Rudolph on 50 Years of “Saturday Night Live”
To celebrate his new documentary, which chronicles a half-century of music on “Saturday Night Live,” Questlove joined SNL veteran Maya Rudolph for a walk down memory lane.

Une interview croisée de Maya Rudolph et Questlove

Bobby Moynihan Planned a Drunk Uncle Movie (in His Head)
The comedian reminisces on his nine-year SNL stint ahead of the show’s 50th anniversary.

Une interview du toujours excellent Bobby Moynihan

‘There’s No Other Show Like It’
50 seasons of Saturday Night Live’s impact, as told by 65 of its writers and cast members.

L'impact culturel du show, raconté par 65 cast members et auteurs. Ca parle aussi du meilleur cast member; le sketch le plus drôle, etc

17 ‘SNL’ Writers Remember the First Sketch They Got on the Air
Live from New York, it’s an oral history featuring Colin Jost, Chevy Chase, Sarah Silverman, and more talking about their earliest days at 30 Rock.

17 auteurs parlent de leur premier sketch diffusé

50 ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Members Talk About What It’s Like to Audition for ‘Saturday Night Live’—And How They Celebrated Getting Hired
“This is a monologue into the darkness and your boss is watching,” says ‘SNL’’s Michael Che. “It’s like a nightmare.”

Comment se passe l'audition du SNL ?